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ASTM D4730-13(R2020) pdf free download

ASTM D4730-13(R2020) pdf free download.Standard Specification for Flooding Compounds for Telecommunications Wire and Cable
7. Chemical Composition
7.1 The chemical composition of these materials is not specified. The material shall be of a chemical composition suitable for the intended purpose and which meets the require- ments of this specification as hereinafter stated. 7.2 Once established, the producer shall not change the composition of the compound in successive lots of material without prior approval of the purchaser.
8. Physical Properties
8.1 Flooding compound furnished under this specification shall inhibit the corrosion of any metallic wire and cable elements with which it comes in contact, while serving as a radial and longitudinal barrier to moisture transmission. Con- tact of the flooding compound with any cable component shall not cause degradation of performance of the cable component. The flooding compound shall display adhesive properties to provide adhesion between metallic sheath elements and the outer jacket materials of wire and cable. 8.2 Other Properties: 8.2.1 Other physical properties requirements such as Vis- cosity (for example, Test Method D3236), Flash Point (for example, Test Method D92), Needle Penetration (for example, Test Method D1321), Ring-and-Ball Softening Point (for example, Test Method E28), and Heat Stability/Viscosity Change (for example, Test Method D3236), are specified, if needed, and shall be as agreed-upon between the producer and the purchaser. 8.3 The purchaser (individual cable manufacturer or other) shall specify any other expected requirements needed to ensure compliance with such end-product requirements as cold-bend, low-temperature flexibility, and the like (for example, Test Methods D4565).
9. General Requirements
9.1 All flooding compounds manufactured in conformance to this specification shall meet the following requirements: 9.1.1 Homogeneity—The compound shall be homogeneous and uniformly mixed. 9.1.2 Foreign Material—The compounds shall be free of dirt, metallic particles, and other foreign matter. 9.2 Other Properties: 9.2.1 Other raw material requirements such as Volatility (for example, Test Method D6), Metals Content (for example, Test Method D482), adhesive property measurements, and corro- sion inhibiting characteristics are specified, ifneeded, and shall be as agreed-upon between the producer and the purchaser. 9.3 The purchaser (individual cable manufacturer or other) shall specify any other expected requirements needed to ensure compliance with such end-product requirements as cable drip-out temperature and jacket slip.
10. Quality Assurance
10.1 Responsibility for Inspection and Tests—Unless other- wise specified in the contract or purchase order, the producer is responsible for the performance of all inspection and test requirements specified herein. The producer shall use his own or any other suitable facilities for the performance of the inspection and test requirements specified herein, unless oth- erwise stated by the purchaser in the order or at the time of the contract signing. The purchaser shall have the right to perform any of the inspections and tests set forth in this specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure that the material conforms to prescribed requirements.10.2 Each producer shall establish written nominal values and tolerances for the material properties routinely checked. For properties not routinely checked, typical values shall be specified. Once these values have been accepted by the purchaser, the producer shall not ship material which deviates from these limits without prior notification to and approval by the purchaser. 10.3 An inspection lot shall consist of an identifiable quan- tity of the same material subjected to inspection at one time.
11. Certification
11.1 The producer or supplier shall, on request, furnish to the purchaser a certificate stating that each lot has been sampled, tested, and inspected in accordance with this specification, and has met the requirements.

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